會接觸SX 應該從大一下學期說起
我記得那時候很想要接觸金屬 但是苦不得其門而入
那時候一個分類是"新古典金屬" 只有一個樂團 那就是SX
而且裡面把SX寫的跟神一樣 讓我有股非聽不可的念頭
之後再一次偶然的機會從修斯那拿到Divine Wings of Tragedy這張專輯
我記得這張應該是他從網路上抓來的 而且每首歌的音量還不相同
不過自從我把這張專輯放到WINAMP後 我就愛上這樂團了
從Of sins and shadows到sea of lies整個一氣呵成
Michael Romeo狂飆吉他配上Russual Allen渾厚多變的嗓音
讓我成為SX的信徒 他們的專輯 我也一張一張的買齊了
還蠻感謝搖滾帝國爭取SX來臺灣的 以我的經驗 臺灣聽Metal的真的很少
演唱會有個三百人就該偷笑了 不過搖帝還是屢次請國外大團來演出
從一開始的Set the world on fire
到最後的Sea of lies等等 強烈的鼓點還有狂飆的吉他
刺激我最深處的神經 我高興的跳了一整晚
當然 最感謝搖帝 完成我八年以來的期待
不過我希望跟他們繼續搖滾下去 !
開場的Set the world on fire
全場大合唱 釋放了大家等待已久的心情
God-like perfection
reflect in these eyes
reaching for my place - With stars on high
Damn the betrayers
Through twilight, I fall
Headlong flaming - I curse you all
There's no turning back
falling deep into the sweet collapsing black
Fly with me - forever higher
And with these wings,
We'll Set the World on Fire
Fly with me - through scorching skies
You and I - The Lie of Lies
I'm the Master of Illusion
Minister of sin
Two - faced snake - wicked - shedding skin
I will forsake you
Destroy and unmake you
With all my might, I will take you down
There's no turning back
Falling deep into the sweet collapsing black
Fly with me - forever higher
And with these wings,
We'll Set the World on Fire
Fly with me - through scorching skies
You and I - The Lie of Lies
Don't leave me - you need me
only I know the way...